Prof. Naama Geva-Zatorsky and team have developed a home-test kit for COVID-19
Prof. Naama Geva-Zatorsky and team have developed a rapid-test kit for COVID-19


COVID-19 Technion Innovations
Technion COVID-19 Response on YouTube
Technion Live Archive

May 6, 2020
> Israel’s Lockdown Exit Policy – New Simulator by Prof. Nir Gavish
> Israeli Researchers Developing Treatment to Save COVID-19 Patients’ Lungs – Prof. Josue Sznitman
> Israeli hospital to treat COVID-19 patients with Cannabis
> Israeli startup can predict the spread of COVID-19 – Diagnostic Robotics
> Touch-free access in a post-COVID world based on idea from Technion
> Hospitals across Israel are piloting an anti-viral sticker MAYA

April 26, 2020
> Rapid Coronavirus Test – Prof. Naama Geva-Zatorsky
> Technion developing rapid coronavirus test with results within an hour
> Israeli scientists develop rapid home COVID-19 test
> Israeli Team Developing At-Home Coronavirus Test With Results in Less Than an Hour
> Israel Develops Rapid Coronavirus Test that Can Be Done On Site, Within an Hour and Without Need for Lab
> A Novel Protective Patient‘s Hood that Prevents the Spread of COVID-19 – Prof. Moshe Shoham (video)
> Tamar Robotics Deploys New COVID-19 Solution for Coronavirus Wards to Protect Medical Teams
> Israeli Robotics Tech Firm Develops Coronavirus Solution To Protect Hospital Workers
> Tracking Coronavirus through the sewers – Prof. Eran Friedler
> Could the country crack the coronavirus crisis by studying our s**t?
> Up at night with coronavirus nightmares? Experts say it’s totally normal – Prof. Peretz Lavie 
> Cannabis Companies Join Search for Covid-19 Cure – Prof. Dedi Meiri

April 20, 2020
> Technion President to Give Opening Remarks at  KAIST Online Forum on Global Cooperation on COVID-19
> Technion Researchers Create Rapid Home Testing Kit for Coronavirus
> Israeli Researchers Developing Home Test Kit for Coronavirus
> COVID-19 and the Need for Enhanced U.S.-Israel Technology Cooperation
> End of Exponential Growth: The Decline in the Spread of Coronavirus
> Israeli Scientists at Cutting Edge of Coronavirus Vaccine Research
> Startups Sprouted in Israeli Design Contest are Recruits in the COVID-19 War:
Technion Biomedical Engineering grad student Ori Shemla in First Place

> Maya Anti-Viral Covid-19 Protective Sticker for Surgical Masks (animated version)
> Maya Anti-Viral Covid-19 Protective Sticker for Surgical Masks with Prof. Eyal Zussman (video)
> COROBOT: Robot for Remote Medical Care of Covid-19 Patients (video)

April 16, 2020
> Technion Researchers Develop Technology to Treat Covid-19 Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
> In Technological Full Force, Israel Innovates and Acquires Equipment to Fight COVID-19
> Technion Researcher to Track Coronavirus Outbreaks Through Sewers
> COROBOT to Replace Staff Treating Coronavirus
> Air-shield Improves Effectiveness of Doctors Protective Masks
> Technion scientist at cutting edge of coronavirus vaccine research

> Technion Startup: Anti-terror Biometric Facial Recognition
> Israeli anti-terror tech to facially recognize mask-wearing health staff
> Technion-born Startup Diagnostic Robotics Can Predict the Spread of Covid-19
> Technion Alumni Startup Vocalis Discusses Vocal Biomarkers for Identifying COVID-19

April 12, 2020
> Updated list of Corona-related research projects/labs at Technion
> Technion graduate Dr. Yehuda Sabiner in Midst of Coronavirus Fight
> “Maya” Nanotech Anti-Viral Protective Sticker for Masks
> Israeli hospital pilots virus-killing sticker for coronavirus masks
> 7 Israeli mask and face shield solutions for coronavirus
> Maya Anti-Viral Protective Sticker for Masks – video
> COROBOT Designed to Protect Medical Staff from Coronavirus
> High school develops robot to help protect doctors from coronavirus
> Student-built robot to help battle corona in hospital
> Israel Invents ‘Corona-Bots’ for Patients in Quarantine
> “Air Shield” Improves Protective Masks for Medical Staff
> New Israeli-designed mask creates ‘air curtain’ for those treating COVID-19
> Cortica AI Technology Deployed to Identify Mask-Wearing Medical Staff
> Diagnostic Robotics Coronavirus Mapping Technology to Assist India
> Shrimp Vaccine to be Adapted for COVID-19 Featured in Forbes
> Pooling Technology for Increased Testing

April 8, 2020
> Technion Passover Holiday Message from Technion President and students: a Unique Webinar
> Technion-led Coronavirus Mapping Technology to Assist Indian Authorities
> Ten Scientific Miracles from Technion for Passover
> Technion-led Hack Could Help Teams on COVID-19 Frontlines Produce Quick Affordable Ventilators
> Israeli Hack Could Help Teams On COVID-19 Frontlines Produce Quick, Affordable Ventilators
> American Technion Society Webinar 13th April:  How Postdocs at the Jacobs Institute’s Runway Program are Tackling COVID-19
> Technion UK Webinar 14th April: Could a Vaccine for Shrimp Help in the Fight Against COVID-19?

April 6, 2020
> Webinar 7th April – Technion Australia – Join Technion experts Prof. Alon Wolf and Prof. Debbie Lindell: How Close Are We to Finding a Coronavirus Vaccine?
> Webinar 7th April – American Technion Society – Join Technion experts Prof. Yaron Fuchs and Dr. Yehuda Sabiner on Combatting the Coronavirus
> Israeli Academic Institutions Quickly Adjusted to Remote Learning
> Technion FIRST Innovative Israeli hack that could help produce quick and low-cost ventilators
> Prof. Dror Seliktar: Targeted Administration of Drugs to Treat Covid-19 Patients (video)
> Prof. Yoav Shechtman wins first Edition of the IUPAB Young Investigator Medal and Prize
> Dr. Yehuda Sabiner, first Haredi Israeli-trained medical doctor, in the frontline treating Coronavirus patients
> All Hands to the Deck: Technion student volunteers

April 2, 2020
> Israeli hospital pilots virus-neutralizing sticker for masks to combat corona
> Diagnostic Robotics Shares Anti-pandemic Knowhow with Global Community (Technion company)
> Prof. Asya Rolls: How Emotions and Stressful Thoughts Affect Your Health (video)
> Breakthrough in Slaughter-Free Steak Production

April 1, 2020
> Dr. Kira Radinsky: The 33-year-old data scientist helping Israel – and the world – fight coronavirus
> Israeli Universities Lead the Fight Against Coronavirus
> How Israeli universities are at the forefront of defeating coronavirus
> Israeli Scientists Announce Breakthrough in Slaughter-Free Beef Production
> Scientists Discover How to Grow Lab-Grown Steak on “Soy Scaffolding”
> Slaughter-free Steak Breakthrough

March 31, 2020
> New 3D-Printed Tech That Can Make Medical Masks Stronger Against COVID-19
> Radar System Will Monitor COVID-19 Patients
> CoronavirusBlocking Sticker
> A Temporary Coronavirus Testing Fix
> Israeli Researchers Successfully Grow Beef on Soy Protein Scaffolds
> Israeli Researchers Grow Cultured Meat on Soy Protein Scaffolds

March 30, 2020
> Israel Greenlights Coronavirus Blocking Sticker Pilot – Technion technology
> Israel’s Defense Adapting Military Technology Developed at Technion for Fight Against COVID-19
> Israeli Researcher Finds a Clever Way to Enforce Social Distancing
> Israeli Researchers Offer Hope for More Efficient Coronavirus Testing
> Technion-born Diagnostic Robotics Ltd., founded by Prof. Moshe Shoham and Dr. Kira Radinsky, lead National AI Initiative to Contain COVID-19

March 29, 2020
> Tablet magazine: The Israeli ‘Pooling’ Method That Could Rapidly Expand COVID-19 Testing
> Development of Early Detection Technologies for the Coronavirus by Prof. Hossam Haick (video)
> Coronavirus Lecture for the General Public by Prof. Debbie Lindell (Video)
> In the age of Zoom, who is watching what?
> Medical Cannabis Market Size Overview

March 27, 2020
> Israeli Scientists Shrimp Antiviral Could be Adapted for Coronavirus
> Israeli Universities Lead the Fight against Coronavirus
> Dangers of Being Delusional when Sizing up New Coronavirus

March 26, 2020
> How Emotions and Stressful Thoughts Affect Your Health – Prof. Asya Rolls
> Nano-Ghosts to Trap Corona Virus – Prof. Marcelle Machluf
> What do we know about the Coronavirus? – Prof. Debbie Lindell and  Prof. Yoram Reiter
> Israeli Researchers Come Up with New Method of Testing for Coronavirus

March 25, 2020
> Technion researchers working on emergency projects to fight coronavirus
> Israeli Scientist Could Adapt Shrimp Antiviral for Humans
> New Ventilator Mask Protects Entire Face From Coronavirus
> How to Fight Infection by Turning Back Your Immune Systems Clock
> What Do We Know about the Coronavirus? Profs. Debbie Lindell and Yoram Reiter
> Technion Researchers on the Frontline in the Fight against COVID-19
> Technion Alumni Led Startup Aims to Identify Coronavirus Carriers Using their Voice
> Israeli defense ministry launches COVID-19 voice-test study
> Israel pilots coronavirus voice-test scheme

March 24, 2020
> Complacency Not Panic Real Danger
> Pooling Method for COVID-19
> Interview with Technion behavioral expert Prof. Ido Erev
> Technion-born Pluristem Therapeutics proposes stem-cell therapy for compassionate treatment of COVID-19 patients

March 23, 2020
> Technion Goes Virtual
> Zoom Gifted to Technion
> Students in Israel on the front-line against coronavirus
> Technion alum Oded Gal delivers Zoomtopia Product Keynote
> Dr. Aviv Censor explains how the virtual lecture hall works using Zoom
> Technion researchers app crowdsources coronavirus data
> Crowdsourcing app aims to fill gaps in coronavirus data
> A framework for identifying regional outbreak and spread of COVID-19 from one-minute population-wide surveys
> Dr. Kira Radinsky joins experts on Israel’s response to coronavirus in virtual panel talk

March 22, 2020
> Prof. Josue Sznitman presents Liquid Foam Therapy (LIFT) for pulmonary drug delivery of potentially life-saving treatments of currently untreatable lung disorders
> Israeli researchers announce new, faster testing method for COVID-19
> An Outbreak of Compassion
> Celebrating resilient Israeli women

March 20, 2020
> Study identifies factors that determine trustworthiness of online information about vaccines
> Prof. Avi Schroeder talks about viral disease research
> Israeli researchers develop innovative diagnostic method for coronavirus
> Technion & Rambam Scientists Present Novel Method for Testing More than 60 Patients for COVID-19 at the Same Time
> Israeli researchers announce new, faster testing method for COVID-19
> Pooling method allows dozens of COVID-19 tests to run simultaneously

March 19, 2020
> Technion preparations in the face of the spread of the Corona virus – update #8
> Roundup: Israel strives to boost COVID-19 testing capacity
> Complacency, Not Panic, Is the Real Danger
> For the first time in Technion’s history, the semester opened with a comprehensive program of distance teaching and learning. 
> As virus keeps Israelis home, internet is coping with the higher loads… so far
> Take a Fresh Breath

March 18, 2020
> Technion, Weizmann Institute Join Efforts To Accelerate Coronavirus Testing Rates
> Technion and Rambam Health Care Campus scientists present a novel method for testing over 60 patients simultaneously
> To ease global virus test bottleneck, Israeli scientists suggest pooling samples

March 17, 2020
> Technion distance learning, teaching and working in times of emergency
> Trusting online vaccine info

March 16, 2020
> New Technion study identifies factors used when trusting vaccine info

Hundreds of Technion students volunteer to support the nationwide measures.



L to r: Prof. Roy Kishony, Einat Tamar, Amir Argoetti, Noga Aharony, Dr. Idan Yelin
Pictured (l-r) standing at safe distance: Prof. Roy Kishony, Einat Tamar, Amir Argoetti, Noga Aharony, Dr. Idan Yelin
Human-like in vitro model of the lungs for preclinical research
Human-like in vitro model of the lungs for preclinical research

“Community is Immunity”

TRANSCRIPT: Message from Technion President, Prof. Uri Sivan
Haifa, 17th March 2020

At this moment, COVID-19 is threatening our families, communities and wellbeing worldwide. Its rapid spread affects our normal lives and jeopardizes our inherent need for certainty and security. In these difficult times, our hearts and thoughts are with those who lost their dear ones, those infected by the virus and their families, and those confined to their premises.

For all of us, the atmosphere is unsettling. But my own experience tells me that if handled correctly, by focusing first on saving lives and on containing the danger, such crises may eventually turn into a source of strength and insight.

At Technion, we are currently focusing on the containment phase, taking all necessary steps to keep the Technion family safe.

Following instructions by the Israel Ministry of Health, we will open the spring semester on March 18th with all classes taught online. Residents in self-isolation in our student dorms have been moved to one wing for effective monitoring and are provided with food and other supplies by our Students Association. We are also maintaining close communication with all the Technion community, recognizing the strength and resilience that emerges when we work together for the safety of each other. At Technion, we believe that community is immunity. Together, we will emerge stronger from this crisis.

COVID-19 is a global challenge, which ultimately asks for global scientific and technological solutions. At Technion we have already started to direct the brainpower of our faculty to addressing these challenges. In the long-term, one effect of COVID-19 on Technion will be an intensification of research in multidisciplinary fields which address the threat of epidemics and pandemics. These include medical research, pharmaceuticals, big data, artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, digital health responses, and much more.

Dear Technion family across the world, we wish you good health, safety and well-being. We will emerge from COVID19 together with insight, strength and resilience.

Maya Anti-Viral Covid-19 Protective Sticker for Surgical Masks (animated version)

A novel protective hood enables safer non-invasive ventilation for COVID-19 patients

COROBOT: Robot for Remote Medical Care of Covid-19 Patients

Remote Screening for COVID-19
A system to measure vital signs of patients to detect COVID-19 from a distance has been developed by Asst. Prof. Yonatan Savir in collaboration with the COVID-19 National Emergency Team of the Defense Ministry’s Directorate of Defense R&D (DDR&D) and Israeli industry.

Zooming In
In November 2018, Zoom Video Communications, Inc. announced that it had gifted a university-wide deployment of its video communications suite to the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. The gift was spearheaded by Technion EE Alumnus Oded Gal, class of ’94, and Chief Product Officer at Zoom.

The Virtual Lecture Hall
As Technion swiftly moved online to prevent the spread of COVID-19 with the start of the new semester, an overwhelming 84% are pleased with the experience. Technion’s Dr. Aviv Censor of the Faculty of Mathematics – one of Israel’s most popular online lecturers – explains how teaching via Zoom works. 

Israel’s Resilience
The secrets to moving through the COVID-19 pandemic can be found in the core qualities of trust and equity, according to Technion Prof. Daniel Orenstein. This includes transparency and reliability of official information and community action. Prof. Orenstein’s research explores the complexity of socio-ecological systems and the study of science-policy discourse with a goal of improving environmental policy in the face of rapidly intensifying challenges and ecological change.

It’s in the RNA
Technion Prof. Avi Schroeder and his innovative team at Viaqua Therapeutics have an “extremely effective” method that boosts the immune system of animals and protects them against RNA viral diseases. The team aims to take this system – which is currently applied to aquatic life – to support human health.

Speeding up Coronavirus Testing
Technion and Rambam Health Care Campus researchers rise to the challenge of COVID-19. In the past days, they have presented a novel testing method that can screen over 60 samples from the population simultaneously. Accelerated testing of populations is a game-changer in a scenario where carriers can be asymptomatic, unknowingly passing on the disease.

Big Data Saves Lives
Technion has been pioneering the field of Biomedical Informatics on a global scale. Recruiting technologies of big data at the interface of computer science and medicine, it is possible to predict global disease threats, respond to them and foresee outcomes.

Special Message from Technion President
Prof. Uri Sivan. March 17, 2020

Technion, Telehealth & Telemedicine
Technion professor in the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and Attending Physician in Infectious Diseases at the Rambam Health Care Campus Dr. Yael Shachor-Meyouhas shares her insights on the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes the unique Technion advantage in applying telehealth and telemedicine, as well as the research promise within the evidence that young people are much less affected by Corona.

Technion Online Teaching Explained by Prof. Hossam Haick, Dean of Undergraduate Studies
“The tools that we have enabled during this challenging period will also continue beyond this period as a part of the teaching system at Technion, because I do believe that an integration between the conventional approach of learning and digital learning and teaching will bring many advantages.”